Having trouble with implementing jQuery fadeIn for thumbnail images inside a div?

I'm trying to create a functionality where clicking on a thumbnail image in a div will display the full-size version of that image in another div. I want to implement this using the jQuery fadeIn function, but my code isn't working and I am not very familiar with jQuery.

Can someone help me figure out what's wrong with this code?



  <script src="http://code.jquery.com/jquery-latest.js"></script>

<style type="text/css">
.imgdiv {

    /* initially overlay is hidden */




    <div id="book">
    <img src="thumbnails/book1.png" width="100" height="123" rel="photo1"/>

    <img src="thumbnails/book2.png" width="100" height="123" rel="photo2"/>

<div class="imgdiv" id="photo1">
    <img src="thumbnails/booklarge1.png" />

<div class="imgdiv" id="photo2">
    <img src="thumbnails/booklarge2.png" />

    $('#book img').click(function() {      
      $('#book img[rel]').fadeIn('slow'); 



Answer №1

Update the content within your click event handler to the following:


For more details, check here.

Answer №2

In my opinion, it is more efficient to utilize html5 data attributes instead of rel. Consider using something like data-largeimage="#photo1"

Furthermore, ensure that the click event is defined within a document ready function: $(function(){ //execute code })

An expansion on Naveed's script:


 $('#book > img').click(function() {      
  var largeImage = $(this).data('largeimage');
  $(largeImage ).fadeIn('slow'); 



If you prefer to stick with your previous selector, simply change $('#book img[rel]') to

$('#book img[rel="' + variable + '"]')

Answer №3

Easy way to do it:

 $("#popup > img").on("click", function() {      

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