Having trouble saving text in a textbox?

Is there a way to store text in a text box for future use?

Every time I reload the page, the text in the box disappears.

I have attempted the following solution:

<td align='left' bgcolor='#cfcfcf'><input type="text" name="txtfield" value="" placeholder="input your text" localstorage.setItem(name) /></td>

Answer №1

Give this a shot:


<table align='center' bgcolor='#fefefe'>
<td align='left' colspan='2'>
<input type="text" name="userInput" id="userInput" value="" placeholder="Type here"  onchange="saveText(this.value)"/>

<script language="javascript">
function saveText(input){
    localStorage.setItem('userInput', input)

function retrieveText(){

    var userInput = document.getElementById('userInput');
    userInput.value = localStorage.getItem('userInput');


window.onload = retrieveText;


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