Having trouble making the menu stay at the top of the page in IE7

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I'm looking to have the blue menu bar stay fixed to the top of the page as you scroll past it, and then return to its original position when scrolling back up. This functionality works in all browsers except for IE7. Despite using jQuery to change the menu's position from relative to fixed conditionally, it doesn't seem to work in IE7.

As a workaround, I tried removing all JavaScript and setting the CSS position to fixed directly, which displays correctly in IE7.

In addition, testing with the condition

if ($('table#menu').position().top + 10 <= $(window).scrollTop())
triggered an alert in IE7, indicating that the event is being recognized.

So, the static CSS works fine and the JavaScript condition is functional. Any thoughts on what may be causing the issue?

Answer №1

One trick to make it work as expected in IE 7 is to remove the DOM element, change its CSS, and then add it back to the DOM:

$(function() {

    //cache necessary objects and get initial top offset for #menu
    var $window  = $(window),
        $menu    = $('#menu'),
        menuTop  = $menu.offset().top,
        $midWrap = $('#mid-wrap');

    $window.scroll(function() {

        //cache a copy of #menu object and get its CSS position property
        var $tmp      = $menu,
            position  = $tmp.css('position'),
            windowTop = $window.scrollTop();


        //if position is not fixed and #menu is above the fold
        if (position != 'fixed' && menuTop <= windowTop) {

            //remove current #menu element from the DOM

            //set position property of new #menu element
            $tmp.css('position', 'fixed');

            //re-insert #menu item into the dom
            $menu = $tmp;

        //if position is not relative and #menu's offset is greater than how far user has scrolled down
        } else if (position != 'relative' && menuTop > windowTop) {

            //remove current #menu element from the DOM

            //set position property of new #menu element
            $tmp.css('position', 'relative');

            //re-insert #menu item into the dom
            $menu = $tmp;

Check out this demo: http://jsfiddle.net/auMd5/5/

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