Having trouble accessing JavaScript Form Elements through Form Variable

For username validation in a form using JavaScript, I'm attempting to access the Label tag within the Form tag. If the Regex matches, then display an error in the Label; otherwise, hide it. However, when I try to modify the text in the text field, I encounter the following error:

Uncaught TypeError: can't access property "style", document.forms.form1.uNameError is undefined

Example code snippet:

        <form name="form1">

            // few code here

            <div class="main">
                <input type="text" id="uname" name="username" onchange="checkUsername()">
                <label id="uNameError" style="color: red;">Incorrect name</label> 

            //few code here


             var form=document.forms['form1'];

            function checkUsername() {
                let username=form["uname"].value.trim();
                let validate= /[^a-zA-Z\s]/ig.test(username);
                }else {



Is there a way to effectively reuse the form variable in this scenario?

Answer №1

Here is a detailed explanation:

<form name="form1">
  <input type="text" id="uname" name="username">
  <label id="uNameError" style="color: red;">Incorrect name</label>
  var form = document.forms['form1']

Upon running the code above, it's observed that the document.forms.elements only has a length of 1 despite having both label and input elements. This discrepancy occurs because:

Only certain tags can be accessed using document.forms:

<input> (excluding "image" type inputs for historical reasons)

The absence of label in this list explains why it doesn't register. For further insights, refer to this link.

Possible Solutions:

  1. Replace label with output for the current code to function properly.

    <form name="form1">
                <input type="text" id="uname" name="username" onchange="checkUsername()">
                <output id="uNameError" name='uNameError' style="color: red;">Incorrect name</output> 
            var form=document.forms['form1']
            function checkUsername() {
                let username=form["uname"].value.trim();
                let validate= /[^a-zA-Z\s]/ig.test(username);
                }else {

  2. Access the label by referencing its id.

<form name="form1">
  <input type="text" id="uname" name="username" onchange="checkUsername()">
  <label id="uNameError" style="color: red;">Incorrect name</label>


  var form = document.forms['form1'];

  function checkUsername() {

    let username = form["uname"].value.trim();
    let validate = /[^a-zA-Z\s]/ig.test(username);
    let uNameError = document.getElementById('uNameError')
    if (validate === true) {
      uNameError.style.display = "inline";

    } else {
      uNameError.style.display = "none";



Answer №2

When working with document.forms, it's important to note that it only supports form elements such as input and button. Check out this link for more information.

If you want to access the label element directly...

1 ) ... You can use document.forms in the following way:

// Note!! 
// Make sure to establish a connection between label and input by adding a for attribute for="uname" inside the label element. 'uname' is the id of the input element. This will allow you to get the label using .label[0].


2 ) ... Select it using the previously declared form:



3 ) ... Access it using nextElementSibling:


This will provide you with the necessary access to the label.


    <form name="form1">
            <div class="main">
                    <input type="text" id="uname" name="username" onchange="checkUsername()">
                    <label id="uNameError" for="uname" style="color: red;">Incorrect name</label>
            var form=document.forms['form1'];
            function checkUsername() {

                let username=form["uname"].value.trim();
                let validate= /[^a-zA-Z\s]/ig.test(username);
                    // or
                    // form.querySelector('#uNameError').style.display="inline";
                    // or
                    // form["uname"].nextElementSibling.style.display="inline";
                }else {
                    // or
                    // form.querySelector('#uNameError').style.display="none";
                    // or
                    // form["uname"].nextElementSibling.style.display="none";

Off topic suggestion: Consider using onkeyup instead of onchange and enhancing your regex structure.

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