Having issues with the `font-weight` property in Chrome?

There was a recent test conducted on a certain element that showed perfect functionality on Firefox but did not respond as expected on Chrome when using the font-weight: bold/bolder property.

An attempt was made to identify any other CSS property that might be conflicting with it, but none were found. Even after searching via Google, no solutions or explanations were available.

position: absolute;
top: 8px;
left: 50px;
font-weight: bolder;

Answer №1

Answer found using:

font-weight: 900;
font-family: 'Arial Black', Arial, sans-serif;

Answer №2

Everything seems to be functioning correctly. It's possible that the property is being overridden in another location or there may be an error within your HTML structure. Have you checked to see if the element has the bold styling attribute when inspected using Chrome inspector?


Answer №3

If you've implemented @font-face to specify the font-family, chances are you're encountering issues linked to this particular bug.

I'm currently facing a similar dilemma where Chrome seems to disregard font-weight:normal and opts for bold as the default option - not only does it deviate from the intended bold version, but also lacks proper anti-aliasing.

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