Harnessing the power of Div tags with a href attribute as placeholders for interactive menu items

I am facing an issue with multiple divs covering different portions of a menu on a background image of a webpage.

Each div contains an anchor tag linking to another page and playing a click sound upon clicking.

To ensure the cursor changes across the entire div, I used a CSS technique. Check out the code snippet below:

<script language="javascript" type="text/javascript">
  function playSound(soundfile) {
      "<embed src=\""+soundfile+"\" hidden=\"true\" autostart=\"true\" loop=\"false\" />";

<div id="apWelcome">
   <a href= "#" class="fill-div" onclick="playSound('Sounds/click.ogg');"> </a>

Here is the CSS styling for apWelcome and filling out the area:

#apWelcome {
cursor: pointer;
position: absolute;
left: 104px;
top: 216px;
width: 49px;
height: 66px;

a.fill-div {
cursor: pointer;
    display: block;
    height: 100%;
    width: 100%;
    text-decoration: none;

The challenge I'm facing is that in Firefox 24, the click behavior works fine but there's no sound. In Chrome, the sound plays but the page jumps down visually. Internet Explorer does not show the cursor or functional behavior.

If anyone has a workaround that works across all three browsers or a completely different method, please share. Thank you.

Answer №1

Take a look at this informative article discussing the use of sounds in HTML, including cross-browser compatibility. Different browsers support different types of sound files.

Additionally, you can simplify your code by directly calling your function from the `div`'s `onclick` attribute without using the `a` tag as a placeholder. Using `cursor:pointer;` will make it seamless for users.

For a comprehensive solution, refer to this Fiddle: http://jsfiddle.net/avrahamcool/ybxBq/

Answer №2

I have completely reconstructed the layout from scratch. You can access the new version for download here (The link will remain active for one week). I felt it was necessary for me to start fresh, even though it might not have been required.

  1. I opted to use an img in the BackgroundContainer rather than CSS background, ensuring that if someone prints the page, the background is still visible.
  2. The 'Site' now has fixed height and width, while its content is set in percentages for scalability when the site's size changes.
  3. If testing in IE, make sure to run the HTML from a server instead of a local file to prevent any script interruptions by the browser.
  4. I removed most of your scripts, so please reinsert them gradually, checking each time to ensure the page functions properly across all browsers.
  5. Note that I have modified some class names and file names, so review your scripts and CSS files accordingly (I also reorganized the Image folder).
  6. This new version has been tested on IE10, Firefox, and Chrome.
  7. Pay attention to the dummy URL as the background-image for clickable elements.

Best of luck with the updates.

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