Guidelines for retrieving a class name using jQuery when hovering over a div

I need assistance in fetching the class name by hovering over a div. Both divs have the same id but slightly different class names. Here is an example:

<div id="1-someid" class="1-example-class border cz">
...more elements go here....


<div id="2-someid" class="2-example-class border cz">
...more elements go here....

Update: I've updated the id names to be unique as suggested by experts below. :) Thank you for all the help.

Now, what I am looking for is that when a user hovers over the div with 1-example-class, it should return the class name 1-example-class. Similarly, when someone hovers over the div with 2-example-class, it should return the name 2-example-class.

This way, I can use parseInt() on the name to retrieve the number 1, 2, 3, and so on.

It's important to note that writing a static script for just 1-example-class or 2-example-class won't suffice as there are many more divs like this with different numbers attached to them.

Can anyone assist me with this? I tried the following code snippet but it didn't work:

$('#someid').hover(function() {
        var class_names = $(this).attr('class');

        var class_name = class_names.split( ' ' ); 

        var c = parseInt( class_name[0] );

        console.log( c );

Your help would be greatly appreciated.

Answer №1

To find the desired elements, using an attribute selector and Regex is the most effective method:

$("[class*=example-class]").hover(function() {
    var c = this.className.match(/(\d+)-example-class/)[1];
  • $("[class*=example-class]") targets elements with a class attribute containing 'example-class' string.

  • this.className.match(/(\d+)-example-class/)[1]
    extracts the associated number from the class name.

Answer №2

If you're looking for a solution based on your current setup, here's one that might help:

$('div').hover(function() {
        // grab the class attribute and split it by spaces
        var class_names = $(this).attr('class').split( ' ' );

        // iterate through each class
        $.each( class_names, function( k,v ){
            // check if this class matches the example you provided
            if ( v.indexOf("example-class") > 0 ){
                // if it does, remove the text part of the class name
                var this_num = v.replace( '-example-class', '' );
                // output only the numeric value to the console
                console.log( parseInt( this_num ) );


This approach allows flexibility in class configuration, meaning the order of classes doesn't matter as long as it contains the specified string. It no longer relies on the first listed class being the example string class.

For an illustration, check out this example:

In the demo, I've replaced duplicate IDs with classes since HTML standards dictate that each ID must be unique.

Answer №3

There are various methods to achieve this, however, it has been pointed out by other users that the issue lies in using the same ID multiple times. This is the primary reason why your current code is not functioning properly. By selecting one of the different shared classes as your selector, your original script should work as intended:

$('.border').hover(function() {
    var class_names = $(this).attr('class');

    var class_name = class_names.split( ' ' ); 

    var c = parseInt( class_name[0] );

    console.log( c );

Answer №4

Start by giving each div a unique ID:

This not only ensures valid HTML, but also allows your jQuery script to differentiate between the different elements. Once you have assigned unique IDs, you can target each div individually and continue with the rest of your code.

<div id="firstDiv" class="example-class border cz">
...more content here....

<div id="secondDiv" class="example-class border cz">
...more content here....

Answer №5

It is important for ID's to be unique throughout an HTML document. If you are using the classname to retrieve data, consider adding a name field to the div:

<div name="someid" class="1-example-class border cz">
...additional elements here....

<div name="someid" class="2-example-class border cz">
...additional elements here....

 $('[name="someid"]').hover(function() {
    var class_names = $(this).attr('class');
    var class_name = class_names.split( ' ' ); 
    var c = parseInt( class_name[0] );
    console.log( c );

Answer №6

One option might be to try this approach:

$('div').on('mouseover', function(){
if ( $(this).hasClass('some class') ) {
//Perform certain action
} else {
//Perform a different action...

Answer №7

To target the hovered elements that have a specific class name pattern, you can use a regular expression (Regex) in your script:

<div id="someid" class="1-example-class border cz">
...content of the element...

$('#someid').hover(function() {
   var className = this.className.match(/(\d)-example-class/);

      console.log(className[0]) // Output: 1-example-class
      console.log(className[1]) // Output: 1

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