Guidelines for accessing the value of the parent function upon clicking the button within the child function?

I have a pair of buttons labeled as ok and cancel.

<div class="buttons-div">
   <button class='cancel'>Cancel</button>
   <button class='ok'>Ok</button>

The functions I am working with are as follows:

function outerFunc() {
   function innerFunc() {
     const btns = document.querySelectorAll('.buttons-div')
       btns.forEach(btn => {
         btn.onclick = (e) => {
           if('cancel')) {
             return false;
           } else {
             return true;
   return innerFunc()

const myBoolean = outerFunc()

My goal is to obtain either a true or false value in outerFunc() upon clicking on one of the two buttons.

Answer №1

My assumption is that you are looking to trigger an action based on which button (OK/Cancel) is clicked. Could the solution below be helpful for you?

function handleButtonClick(okClicked) { 
  // TO-DO - add logic depending on button click

function initializeButtons() {

  document.querySelectorAll('.buttons-div').forEach(btn => {
    btn.onclick = (e) => {
      if('cancel')) {
      } else {


Answer №2

Within your function named outerfunc, make sure to include a listener that watches for when the button is clicked.

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