Guide to selecting a checkbox using its unique identifier with a specific key press

Does anyone know how to create a script that will automatically click a checkbox when the 'c' key is pressed? I would appreciate any guidance or assistance in creating this script. This is the desired functionality:


Answer №1

Try implementing this code snippet. It will trigger when the key c is pressed.

  if(e.which == 67){
<script src=""></script>
Check<input type="checkbox" id="check"/>

If you only want it to work when the checkbox is unchecked:

  if(e.which == 67){
    if($("#check").prop("checked") == false){
<script src=""></script>
Check<input type="checkbox" id="check"/>

Answer №2

In order to verify the checkbox, you must execute the following:


Your script will scan for the jQuery click event handler. It means it will trigger the click event handler only if you have defined a click handler using jQuery.

If you truly wish to simulate clicking on that checkbox, you should utilize the DOM element click method like this:


Answer №3

Feel free to review the code snippet below:

    $( "#cHideChat").keypress(function( event ) {
          if ( event.which == 99 ) {

Answer №4

Check out this sample code for deselecting a checkbox when the user presses 'c'. Good luck with your project!


The function will only trigger if the user presses 'c' and the checkbox is unchecked. If the checkbox is already checked, the function will not be executed.

if(!$('#check').is(':checked')) {
    if(e.which == 67){

<script src=""></script>
Check<input type="checkbox" id="check"/>

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