Guide to leveraging clsx within nested components in React

I am currently using clsx within a React application and encountering an issue with how to utilize it when dealing with mappings and nested components.

For instance:

return ( 
    <button onClick={doSomething}>{isOpened ? <Component1 /> : <Component2 />}</button>
    <div className={clsx(containerClasses)}>
        {, index) =>
          <OuterComponent as='div' key={}>
            {({ open }) =>
                  className={}// how to compute this value?

Above you can see the JSX being returned, an outer div element, and a variable isOpened sourced from the state for accessibility throughout. This allows us to implement the following containerClasses:

const containerClasses = {
    'class1 ': true,
    'class2': isOpened,
    'class3': !isOpened

All seems well up to this point.

However, in the snippet where we have iterating over an array, I need to determine innerClasses based on the value of open. Yet, this value is only accessible within the loop and not externally within the return or the function.

Is there a solution to this dilemma utilizing clsx?

Answer №1

function setClassNames(open) {
  return classNames({
     [classes.style1]: open, // add class name based on condition
    className={setClassNames(open)} //invoke a function here

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