Guide on triggering an open modal when clicking a link using jQuery

Creating a modal popup has always been my goal. After designing the CSS to style it, I found myself stuck as I lack knowledge in JQuery or JavaScript to code the functionality that animates and opens the modal upon clicking a button or link. Despite searching on Google for solutions, I realized that without understanding how to integrate jQuery, the benefit is minimal.

Therefore, I am reaching out to any jQuery expert who can guide me on incorporating jQuery so that when users click buttons or links, the modal will open with animation effects.

Answer №1

Experience the magic of Colorbox - a jQuery lightbox

Take a look at this example :

Colorbox 1.6.4
license: MIT
(function(t,e,i){function n(i,n,o){var r=e.createElement(i);return n&&(,o&&(,t(r)}function o(){return i.innerHeight?i.innerHeight:t(i).height()}function r(e,i){i!==Object(i)&&(i={}),this.cache={},this.el=e,this.value=function(e){var n;return void 0===this.cache[e]&&(n=t(this.el).attr("data-cbox-"+e),void 0!==n?this.cache[e]=n:void 0!==i[e]?this.cache[e]=i[e]:void 0!==X[e]&&(this.cache[e]=X[e])),this.cache[e]},this.get=function(e){var i=this.value(e);return t.isFunction(i)?,this):i}}function h(t){var e=W.length,i=(A+t)%e;return 0>i?e+i:i}function a(t,e){return Math.round((/%/.test(t)?("x"===e?E.width():o())/100:1)*parseInt(t,10))}function s(t,e){return t.get("photo")||t.get("photoRegex").test(e)}function l(t,e){return t.get("retinaUrl")&&i.devicePixelRatio>1?e.replace(t.get("photoRegex"),t.get("retinaSuffix")):e}function d(t){"contains"in x[0]&&!x[0].contains(!==v[0]&&(t.stopPropagation(),x.focus())}function c(t){c.str!==t&&(x.add(v).removeClass(c.str).addClass(t),c.str=t)}function g(e){A=0,e&&e!==!1&&"nofollow"!==e?(W=t("."+te).filter(function(){var,Y),n=new r(this,i);return n.get("rel")===e}),A=W.index(_.el),-1===A&&(W=W.add(_.el),A=W.length-1)):W=t(_.el)}function u(i){t(e).trigger(i),ae.triggerHandler(i)}function f(i){var o;if(!G){if(o=t(i).da...

<p><a class='inline' href="#inline_content">Click to open model </a></p>

<!-- This contains the hidden content for inline calls -->
<div style='display:none'>
    <div id='inline_content' style='padding:10px; background:#fff;'>
        <h3 class="page-title_fg">Forget Password</h3>
        <form style="padding: 15px;">
            <label>User Name*</label>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<input type="text" id="fuserName" name="fuserName" class="box" maxlength="15" autofocus="autofocus" autocomplete="off"><br>
            <label>Date of Birth*</label> <input type="text" id="fdob" name="fdob" class="box" maxlength="15" autofocus="autofocus" onclick="clkdate('fdob');" readonly="readonly" autocomplete="off"><br>
            <label>Email id*</label>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<input type="text" id="femailId" name="femailId" class="box" autofocus="autofocus" autocomplete="off"><br>
            <!-- <input type="button" value="Get Password" id="forget_pwd_submit_btn" class="login_btn"/>
            <input type="button" value="Reset" id="forget_pwd_reset_btn" class="login_btn"/> -->
            <button type="button" value="Get Password" id="forget_pwd_submit_btn" autocomplete="off">Get Password</button>
            <button type="button" value="Reset" id="forget_pwd_reset_btn" autocomplete="off">Reset</button>

Explore a Colorbox demo on CodePen

To delve deeper into Colorbox, check out its repository on GitHub.

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