Guide on transferring three js variable to an HTML label element

For my project, I am looking to pass three js values to the label of a div. The desired output is:

stWay:             stProposer:           stTime:
hello              John                  2017-09-07

I have successfully programmed a button to make div1 appear, but I am facing difficulties in retrieving and displaying the values from JavaScript. The values 'hello', 'John', '2017-09-07' are not appearing as expected.

To maintain the same format, I decided to use CSS for labeling instead of input elements.

Below is my current JavaScript code:

   ......//click button to make div1 display block
   var reqStWay = "hello";
   var reqPeople = "John";
   var reqTime = "2017-09-07";
   $('#lblId').val()=$('#lblId').val().appendto("         ");
   $('#lblId').val()=$('#lblId').val().appendto("         ");

And here is my HTML code:

.DIV1 label{.........}
<div id="div1" class="DIV1">
<label>stWay:&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;stProposer:&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;stTime:</label><br />
<label id="lblId"></label><br />

I also tried using the following line of code:

 $('#lblId').html(reqStWay"&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;"reqPeople"  &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; "reqTime);

Unfortunately, this attempt failed too. Can anyone provide assistance?

Answer №1

There are several ways to accomplish this task. By making some adjustments to your code, you can achieve the desired outcome like so:

$('#lblId').html(reqStWay + "&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;" + reqPeople + "  &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;" + reqTime);

An alternative, cleaner approach to achieving the same result would be:


For an even more concise solution, consider the following:

var reqStWay = "hello";
var reqPeople = "John";
var reqTime = "2017-09-07";

#lblId td {
  padding:0 2em;
<script src=""></script>
<table id="lblId">

Answer №2

  $('#lblId').html(reqStWay + "&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;" + reqPeople + "&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; " + reqTime);

The functionality of this code is working properly. It is important to use the + signs in order to concatenate strings, which were missing in the initial implementation.

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