When attempting to print my treeview using the script below, I encountered an issue where the printed output did not include any CSS styling.
I have two specific requirements:
- I would like each level of the tree to be displayed in a different color using CSS.
- The treeview should be printed with the CSS styles applied.
<script type="text/javascript">
function addSubNodes(nodes) {
// Code for adding subnodes goes here
// Additional JavaScript functions for printing and handling node selection
<telerik:RadTreeView runat="server" ID="RadTreeView1" DataSourceID="ObjectDataSource1"
DataFieldID="main_code" DataFieldParentID="father_code" DataTextField="name"
<telerik:RadTreeNodeBinding Expanded="true"></telerik:RadTreeNodeBinding>
Sample Output from FireBug:
<ul class="rtUL rtLines">
// Sample list items and nested nodes