Guide on rendering a component in React jsx using innerHTML

In my current project, I am developing a feature that allows users to toggle between graph and list views. The view's container is assigned the class name "two".

  toggleGraphView() {
    const two = document.getElementsByClassName('two')[0];
    two.innerHTML = '<span>Graph View!</span>'

  toggleListView() {
    const two = document.getElementsByClassName('two')[0];
    two.innerHTML = "<ShotLog shotLog={this.state.shotLog}/>"

When switching to the graph view text ('Graph View!'), everything works as expected. However, when trying to switch back to the list view, I encounter an issue. After executing toggleListView, the content of the 'two' container in Chrome tools shows

<shotlog shotlog="{this.state.shotLog}/"></shotlog>
. It should actually display
<ShotLog shotLog={this.state.shotLog}/>
to correctly pass the props.

I am unsure where the additional quotations are originating from. Do you have any insights?

Answer №1

Creating React components by embedding them in strings is not the recommended approach. Utilizing JSX, you can simplify your code as shown below:

this.state.showGraph ? <span>Graph View!</span> : <ShotLog shotLog={this.state.shotLog} />

By using a ternary condition, you can dynamically decide what content to render based on the value of a variable, showGraph.

The value of showGraph is stored in the component's state, which can be accessed using this.state. When you need to update the state of a component, you should invoke setState to trigger a re-render and display the desired content.

Here is a functional example:

class ShotLog extends React.Component {
  render() {
    return <div>Hi I'm a ShotLog</div>

class App extends React.Component {
    this.state = { showGraph: true }
  handleClick = ev => {
    this.setState({ showGraph: !this.state.showGraph })
  render() {
    return (
        {this.state.showGraph ? 
          <span>Graph View!</span> 
          <ShotLog />}
        <button onClick={this.handleClick}>Switch me !</button>
<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>
<div id="react"></div>

If you want to learn more about JSX fundamentals, refer to the official documentation:

For further insights on managing component state, check out this resource:

Answer №2

While I may not be an expert in ReactJS, I believe the best approach is to return the correct content rather than manipulating it with JS:

  toggleView() {
      if (this.isGraphView()) {
          return <span>Graph View!</span>;
      } else {
          return <ShotLog shotLog={this.state.shotLog}/>

Answer №3

Building on @Justinas's response, you may consider implementing a conditional render instead of relying solely on raw JS. Here's an example:

class MyComponent extends React.Component {
  constructor(props) {
      this.state = {currView: 'graph'};

  handleToggle() {
      if (this.state.currView === 'graph') {
          this.setState({currView: 'otherView'});
      } else {
          this.setState({currView: 'graph'});

  render() {
      if(this.state.currView === 'graph') {
          // render your 'graph' view
      } else {
          // render another view

Any changes to the component's state trigger a re-render, effectively replacing the previous content. Just ensure there's a mechanism to toggle or update the state :)

P.S. Apologies for any errors in the react syntax. No IDE at the moment!

Answer №4

If you want to avoid directly accessing the DOM using document.getElementsByClassName, you can leverage the React approach to toggle the view. Take a look at the example I've provided below.

class ToggleComponent 

constructor(props) {
  this.state = {
    view: 'list', 
    data: someVal

  toggleView() {
     const updatedView = this.state.view === 'graph' ? 'list' : 'graph'; 
     this.setState(() => {
      return {view: updatedView}; 



render() {
     const {view, data} = this.state;
       <button onClick={this.toggleView}> Toggle </button> 

       {view === 'graph'} && <span> Graph View! </span> 
       {view === 'list'} && <DataComponent data={data} /> 



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