Guide on making jQuery color variables?

Is there a way to achieve CSS variable-like functionality with jQuery? For example, creating reusable CSS attributes in jQuery instead of using SASS variables. Imagine if I could define a variable for the color black like this:

I want to make a variable that I can reuse for the color black

var black = .css('color','#000');
var white = .css('color','#FFF');

Of course, the syntax above is incorrect, but you get the idea. Then later on, I could apply this variable like so:


Is it feasible to achieve something like this in jQuery?

Answer №1

css() function has the capability to accept a map consisting of key-value pairs representing CSS attributes. This allows for the storage and usage of key-value pairs containing desired CSS attributes.

var black = {'color': '#000'};
var white = {'color': '#FFF'};


These key-value pairs can encompass any number of attributes as needed:

var headingStyle = {'background-color': '#C00', 'color': '#FFF'};

Moreover, it's possible to create new styles by extending existing ones and appending additional attributes:

var mainHeadingStyle = $.extend({'font-size': '50px'}, headingStyle);

Answer №2

If you want to apply specific styles using jQuery, you can pass an object to the css() function like so:

var red = {'color': '#ff0000'};
var blue = {'color': '#0000ff'};

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