Guide on inserting a dropdown menu following a specific count of <li> elements using Javascript or Jquery

I am currently working on an HTML project

<div class="ktmsg">
    <li class="a1">
        <a title="Link Tools" href="#"> … </a>
    <li class="a2">
        <a title="Link Tools" href="#"> … </a>
    <li class="a3">
        <a title="Link Tools" href="#"> … </a>

My goal is to insert a sub-menu after the second </li>. The sub-menu will contain a link "<a href="#">More</a>" and display the third list item when hovered over. The desired final output should appear as follows:

<div class="ktmsg">
    <li class="a1">
        <a title="Link Tools" href="#"> … </a>
    <li class="a2">
        <a title="Link Tools" href="#"> … </a>
    <ul> //Starting the sub-menu
    <a href="#">More</a> // The link that after i hover it will start showing the <li> starting from the third one
      <li class="a3">
        <a title="Link Tools" href="#"> … </a>

I have tried writing some javascript code but I seem to be stuck. Any help or guidance would be greatly appreciated.

Answer №1

Utilizing jQuery

jQuery(function ($) {
    var $items = $('.ktmsg > ul > li');
    var $link = $('<li><a href="#">More</a></li>').insertAfter($items.eq(1));
    var $hiddenItems = $items.slice(2).hide();

    $link.hover(function () {
    }, function () {
        var timer = setTimeout(function () {
        }, 200);
        $'hoverTimer', timer);

    $hiddenItems.hover(function () {
    }, function () {
        var timer = setTimeout(function () {
        }, 200);
        $'hoverTimer', timer);

Demo: Fiddle

Answer №2

Utilizing jQuery for this purpose:

<ul><a href="#">More</a></ul>

To insert the above code after the second list item, use the following jQuery script:

$( 'li:eq(1)' ).after( '<ul><a href="#">More</a></ul>' );

Answer №3

Check out this demonstration I put together using jQuery. It's a straightforward approach - simply use CSS to hide the sub menu initially, then employ jQuery to toggle its visibility when "More" is hovered over. I opted for fadeIn() and fadeOut(), but you can easily swap them out with hide() and show() if you prefer. I made some minor adjustments to your HTML structure, so be sure to use my updated version if you implement this solution.

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