Guide on fixing a parent div's position for a specific duration using the scrollorama plugin

Currently, I am utilizing the "scrollorama" plugin to create a parallax effect on my website.

I have a specific requirement where I need to fix the parent div of the animated elements for a certain duration and then release it to allow the next section of code to animate seamlessly....

To better understand my goal, please take a look at this link.

On this particular site, I am aiming to delay the animation of the initial section until the site logo "Prototype" moves up to its designated fixed position. After that, I want the content within the first list item to gradually enter the scene without interference from other sections.

I believe what I'm looking for is known as "pinning," however, I am unsure about how to implement it...

<a class="fixed" href="prototype.html"><img src="images/logo.png"/></a>
<ul class="curtains">
        <div class="cont clearfix">
                <li class="img_1"><img src="images/01.jpg"/></li>
                <li class="img_2"><img src="images/02.jpg"/></li>
                <li class="img_3"><img src="images/03.jpg"/></li>
                <li class="img_4"><img src="images/04.jpg"/></li>
                <li class="img_5"><img src="images/05.jpg"/></li>
                <li class="img_6"><img src="images/06.jpg"/></li>

Answer №1

To start, you should first pin the main div and then initiate the animation on its child div.$('#examples-2'), 3000, {
  anim: (new TimelineLite())
      TweenMax.fromTo($('#move-it'), .5, 
        {css:{left: -200, top: 500}, immediateRender:true}, 
        {css:{top: -400}})
    .append($('#move-it'), .5, 
        {css:{left: 0}})

In the above code, examples-2 represents the main div that will be pinned once it reaches the center of the page. The value 3000 indicates the number of pixels for the complete animation to occur. The sub div move-it is where the animation defined in the code will take place. To unpin, use the following code:

controller.removePin('#examples-2', false);

For more information on how to use pin, visit

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