I am a newcomer to bootstrap and angular, so I'm unsure where I may have made a mistake...
Here is the current situation:
Initially, I utilize a router-outlet to showcase either a login-page or the "workspace".
<app-header ></app-header>
within the "workspace":
<div class="d-flex flex-row" >
<app-side-navigation> </app-side-navigation>
<div #needOverflow class=" m-0 overflow-auto" >
the second router-outlet includes a component that requires overflow-y: auto
Unfortunately, the overflow-auto from Bootstrap does not seem to work!
This is how the application appears
When I try setting the height of div#needsOverflow to 600px, I notice that the overflow does not extend all the way to the end of my screen. How can I make it reach across the entire screen? I attempted using height = 100vh but this proved too large due to my header.
My goal is for the 2nd router-outlet to have overflow-y only when the content exceeds the screen size, In simpler terms, it's fine for my side-nav and header to remain fixed in place
I also experimented with mat-sidenav, however, I encountered numerous issues likely stemming from the header