Despite working flawlessly locally and on a custom domain, GitHub Pages is struggling to locate css and bundle files. I deploy from a branch.
To view the page, click here - GitHubPages page
For the project itself, visit this link - HouseLoaderPage
In order to demonstrate its functionality on a custom domain, I have created a clone of the project which can be accessed here - CustomDomain
The css files are supposed to be located at: and
As a civil engineer, not a programmer, I must admit that I am quite frustrated with this issue. I have tried altering the branch to None and back again, editing the addresses in index.html for the css and bundle files without success. Various variations such as './', '../..' have also been attempted but to no avail.
UPD: After much trial and error, I discovered that specifying the project name in the path for the files in this specific format /HouseLoaderPage/styles.css
and /HouseLoaderPage/bundle.js
was the key solution. Using the first "/" was essential. Although it may no longer function locally, at least it now works on GitHub pages!:)