Getting CSS source maps working with LESS in Webpack 4: A user's guide

I have been attempting for an extended period to configure CSS sourcemaps in webpack with no success. I am unsure where the issue lies within the process. I am hopeful that someone can provide guidance in the right direction.

Here is the situation:

The line numbers and file names are incorrect. The file main.less actually consists of multiple @imports, while the actual CSS content resides in a separate file.

Below is my webpack.config.js. It has been formatted using util.inspect for better readability due to being combined from various chunks:

{ custom configuration goes here ... }

In the middle section, you will find the loaders specifically for .less. When expanded, they appear as follows:

    { css-loader settings ... },
    { postcss-loader settings ... },
    { less-loader settings ... }

All three loaders (css-loader, postcss-loader, and less-loader) have their sourceMap value set to true, indicating that the sourcemaps should trace back to the original source, correct?

What could potentially be the error on my end?

Answer №1

After removing the cssnano plugin, the maps appear to be more reasonable, although not completely accurate, and my configuration is quite simple.

.patent {        // line1
    .child {}    // linked to line1
    .childs {}   // linked to line1

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