Get Your Business Rolling with the Shopify Cruise Theme

I'm currently utilizing the ride theme on my Shopify website and I've embedded a video in an index.json file:

 "video_url": "https:\/\/\/watch?v=KlxiEKrhWIQ",

Is there a way to make the video automatically start playing when a visitor lands on the page?

Additionally, I have identified a section that includes the following iframe:

{%- if section.settings.video_url.type == 'youtube' -%}
<iframe src="{{ }}?enablejsapi=1" class="js-youtube" allow="autoplay; encrypted-media" allowfullscreen title="{{ section.settings.description | escape }}"></iframe>
{%- else -%}
<iframe src="{{ }}" class="js-vimeo" allow="autoplay; encrypted-media" allowfullscreen title="{{ section.settings.description | escape }}"></iframe>
{%- endif -%}

Any suggestions or solutions on how to achieve this autoplay feature? I attempted adding ?autoplay=1 after the ID, but it didn't yield the desired outcome.

Appreciate any assistance. Thank you.

Answer №1

Take a look at my video discussing the Recharge theme, which is very similar to Ride. I hope you find it helpful.

Below is the code snippet mentioned in the video.

{%- liquid
  assign video_handle = ''
  assign video_format = ''

<video title="Video is about this in that." autoplay loop muted playsinline style="inline-size: 100%;">
  <source src="{{ video_handle }}" 
    type="video/{{ video_format }}">

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