Generate vibrant hues using Emmet shortcuts

I am currently using Vim version 8.2 with vim-emmet version 0.86.
I am struggling to write the abbreviation for CSS as shown below:

border: 1px solid #dcd2ba;

Upon referencing the manual, I came across the instructions for css abbreviation which can be found here.

The manual mentions that bd5#0s should expand to border: 5px #000 solid. However, when I try this in my Vim editor, nothing happens. In fact, a strange expansion occurred when I tried code bd1s and it expanded into border-break: close.

Additionally, the abbreviation bd1 s expanded into border: 1px solid #000, while bd2 s strangely turned into box-shadow: inset hoff voff blur spread rgb(0, 0, 0) instead of border: 2px solid #000.

I'm unsure what configuration is incorrect for my emmet setup, and I'd appreciate guidance on how to diagnose and resolve this issue.

Answer №1

The emmet guidelines provide instructions on incorporating hexadecimal colors into your code. Check out

bd5#0s will automatically generate the CSS code border: 5px #000 solid, where the # symbol separates the color from the size value (5). The 's' at the end represents 'solid', and since it's not a hexadecimal character, it doesn't require a space between it and the color code.

To apply this concept to your situation, you can use bd1#dcd2bas

Answer №2

After examining the source code, it appears that there may be some issues with bugs present.

The border statement rule is as follows:

"bd+": "border:${1:1px} ${2:solid} ${3:#000};",

This rule implies that the correct order should have the color at the end, but in my testing, I was unable to get it to function correctly. Additionally, attempting to add an alias for s=solid, as documented, did not yield any results from the source code.

Furthermore, other examples provided in the documentation are currently not operational.

Based on my assessment, it seems that there may be some flaws in the implementation. (I recommend creating your own snippet instead.)

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