Gatsby utilized the background-image CSS style within the Emotion library for CSS-in-JS implementation

The background image is not visible with the current setup. To troubleshoot, I attempted to set the background to pink within const background and it worked. This confirms that Emotion is functioning correctly.

Upon inspecting with the React Dev Tools extension, I can see background-image: url(../images/page_backgroundgradient.png), url(../images/page_background.png); applied without any errors.

What could be causing my issue?

My folder structure is as follows:


This is the index.js file where I am trying to add a background image:

import { css, Global } from "@emotion/core"

const background = css`
  background-image: url(../images/page_backgroundgradient.png), url(../images/page_background.png);
<div css={background}>

Answer №1

After reviewing the link you shared in your comment, it's evident that there are several ways to incorporate images/assets with gatsby:

  1. Retrieve the image using graphql
  2. import the image and get its path
  3. Place the image in the static directory

Getting Started

Assuming you have a component structured like this:

// src/pages/sample.js

import React from 'react'
import { css } from '@emotion/core'

export default () => <div css={css`
  width: 10rem;
  height: 10rem;
  background: url( ... );
`} />

Query Method


If you're utilizing any of the default starters, chances are your src/images folder is configured with gatsby-source-file-system, allowing Gatsby to recognize your images. Assuming you know the file name, you can query it as shown below:

//       ⇣ `base` refers to the file name along with its extension.
  file (base: { eq: "image.png" }) {

By querying for the field publicURL, you'll receive the file's path:

export default ({ data }) => <div css={css`
  width: 10rem;
  height: 10rem;
  background: url(${data.file ? data.file.publicURL : 'your/fallback.png'});
`} />

export const query = graphql`
  query {
    file(base: { eq: "image.png" }) {


Gatsby typically includes sharp, enabling image transformations and more. For instance, you can resize an image to 200px width through the following query:

export const query = graphql`
  query {
    file(base: { eq: "image.png" }) {
      childImageSharp {
        fixed(width: 200) {

The result can be accessed at


Importing Images

Leverage webpack for this purpose:

import myImagePath from '../relative/path/to/image.png';

export default () => <div css={css`
  width: 10rem;
  height: 10rem;
  background: url(${myImagePath});
`} />

Moving Images to static Directory

Create a folder named static in your root directory if it doesn't already exist. Proceed to transfer your image into it:


All files within static will be directly copied during build, thus allowing you to reference the image like so:

export default () => <div css={css`
  width: 10rem;
  height: 10rem;
  background: url(/image.png);
`} />

If you're utilizing pathPrefix in gatsby-config.js, import withPrefix from gatsby and wrap it around the image path.

For a visual demonstration of the first two methods, check out this codesandbox.

We hope this information proves helpful!

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