From one corner to the opposite, creating diagonal dividers

I want to create a web page similar to the one below. Although I specialize in back-end programming, I am eager to expand my knowledge of design in order to build visually appealing sites. My goal is to include 7 diagonal divs (each representing a color of the rainbow) in the corner as shown. The text within each div will also be displayed diagonally, achieved through text rotation.

Any assistance with this project would be highly appreciated. Additionally, if you have any recommendations for resources where I can learn how to create attractive web pages using HTML, CSS, and jQuery, please share them with me. While I understand the syntax, I struggle with transforming a blank canvas into something aesthetically pleasing. Thank you!

Answer №1

Welcome to the world of CSS3! This is just a demonstration to showcase what can be done with modern styling techniques. Please note that this may not be supported on older browsers like IE8. Check out the code at

body {

.rainbow {
    transform-origin:0% 0%;
    -ms-transform-origin:0% 0%;
    -moz-transform-origin:0% 0%;
    -webkit-transform-origin:0% 0%;

.rainbow div {


div a {

Update: A more concise solution has been implemented where instead of transforming each bar individually, the entire container is transformed.

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