Footer Section (navigation) bounces up when scrolling to the beginning of the page

I am currently developing a fully web-based app-style layout.

One issue I'm facing is that the navigation menu jumps slightly when I use my S3 to auto-scroll to the top by dragging. However, if I scroll up manually without lifting my finger, this problem doesn't occur.

It appears that there might be a conflict between fixed positioning and the standard browser bar.


#nav {
    position: fixed;
    bottom: 0;

Any suggestions on how to tackle this?

Answer №1

Attempting to have a div scroll over other elements is not easily accomplished without the assistance of JavaScript, jQuery, or extensive CSS stylings. Placing a fixed position div at the top or bottom of the screen may not function as intended.


Have you experimented with setting margins using:

margin: 0 auto;

Additionally, specifying a size and/or height for the div could potentially resolve your issue.

Have you tested this across multiple browsers?

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