Font appearance varies between Chrome and Firefox browsers

I'm relatively new to the world of web development and have encountered an issue with a menu I created. The buttons in the menu have varying widths depending on the browser being used – Firefox or Chrome.

In Firefox, the last button in the menu lines up perfectly with the div below it. The width of the button measures 136.5px:

However, when viewed in Chrome, the fonts appear bolder which shifts the end of the menu slightly forward. Here, the width of the button is 139.281px:

You can view the site with the menu at the top here:

Below is the HTML and CSS code for the menu:

.navigator {
margin: 0;
padding: 0;
display: flex;    
padding-left: 39px;
background: #8C9BAA; 
.navigator li {
... (CSS code continues)
    <div class="menuWrap">
<ul class="navigator">
        <li><a href="">HOME</a></li>
 ... (HTML code continues)

The discrepancy in button width between browsers seems to be caused by the font rendering slightly differently in Chrome, resulting in the boldness affecting the overall width.

Appreciate any help or insights. Thanks!

Answer №1

Update: It turns out that each internet browser has its own unique font rendering engine.

I tested your current sans-serif font and got the same results as you did. The issue persisted even when I switched to a monospace font.

My suggestion would be to try using a non-system font. I experimented with a popular Google font like Open Sans and found that the problem disappeared.

On another note, kudos on the design of your website. It looks fantastic. TSM! TSM! TSM!

Answer №2

*{margin:0; padding:0;} Make sure to include this line at the beginning of your CSS file for improved browser compatibility. Feel free to share if you find it beneficial as well.

Answer №3

.navigation li {
    float: left;
    position: relative;
    z-index: 80; 

Consider using the 'float: left' property instead of 'display: inline-block' in your CSS code for the same result. Alternatively, you can try setting the font-size to 0 on the '.navigation' class.

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