Flexslider doesn't adjust the height of the viewport when displaying a shorter image in the slideshow

Is Flexslider not resizing its viewport height according to the current image on your site? The fixed height seems to be causing blank white space under shorter images. Are you inadvertently overriding Flexslider's responsive height function? Is there a solution for this issue?

Check out the live draft here:


    <div class="flexslider">
        <div class="arrows">
            <img src="../img/arrow-left.png" class="arrow-left pull-left">
            <img src="../img/arrow-right.png" class="arrow-right pull-right">
        <ul class="slides" id="slideshow" ondragstart="return false;">
                <img src="../img/residential/project-01/img-01.jpg" />
                <div class="flex-caption right hidden-xs">
                    <div class="caption-content">
                        <p><span class="hcaption">PROJECT <span class="sm-spaced">1</span></span><br /></p>


.flexslider {
    background:none !important;
    border:none !important;
    box-shadow:none !important;

Answer №1

If you want to enable smooth height adjustment in flexslider using JavaScript, use the following property:

smoothHeight: true

See example below:

    animation: "slide",
    smoothHeight: true

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