Flashing User Interface when switching pages on jQuery mobile

Currently utilizing jQuery mobile 1.0, I have encountered an issue on iPhone where when transitioning from one page to another, the second page flickers before finally displaying. Anyone know how to fix this? Thanks in advance.

Update: Feel free to visit for a demonstration.

Answer №1

To address the issue at hand, I resolved it by implementing this specific CSS snippet:

.ui-mobile-viewport-transitioning .ui-page {
    overflow: visible;

For further details, feel free to check out my blog post.

Answer №2

If you're experiencing flickering on your website, try adding the following code to see if it helps:

/* Minimize Flicker on Android / WebKit */
.ui-page {
  -webkit-backface-visibility: hidden !important;

It's important to note that while this code may fix the flickering issue, it can also create other problems. One user shared their experience of spending a week troubleshooting why their Google Maps weren't functioning properly, only to discover that this snippet was the culprit. The solution? Targeting the rule selectively to pages without maps.

Answer №3

It might be worth waiting for the upcoming release of jQueryMobile version 1.1, expected to arrive later this month.

Answer №4

If you're experiencing touch overflow issues, simply make sure to activate the touchOverflowEnabled feature.

For instance:

$(document).bind("mobileinit", function() {
  $.support.touchOverflow = true;
  $.mobile.touchOverflowEnabled = true;

It's worth mentioning that this step will become obsolete in jqm 1.1.0. Further details can be found here.

Answer №5

There are multiple factors that could be contributing to this behavior.

  • Data lists that are too long and require time to render as the screen scrolls
  • Dynamic injection of data, which also needs time to render properly
  • Android devices experiencing flickering issues have led us to disable transitions for Android pages and default them to fade. This is a strategy that will be implemented in the next JQM release
  • Using non-ajax based page links that redirect back to the core app

These are just some potential causes for the behaviors you are observing. It's a good starting point for troubleshooting any issues you may be encountering.

Answer №6

Try out this solution to see if it suits your needs:


This issue is a known one in version 1 and has already been reported as a resolved bug for iOS. The fix is currently in progress and will be officially included in the upcoming release of version 1.1.

In the meantime, you can access the latest code on the test site if you're unable to wait for the official release.

(Remember to exercise caution when using test code in a production environment.)

update: Exciting news about jQuery Mobile 1.1.0 RC1

Give it a try at: http://jquerymobile.com/demos/1.1.0-rc.1/

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