Currently facing a minor issue with my code. To explain, I have a form within my index.html file:
The first page form looks like this:
<form method="get" name="basicSearch" id = "basicSearch" action="page2.html">
<input name="location" type="text" class="BasicSearch" id="searchInput" placeholder="Location">
<button type= "submit" class="BasicSearch" id="searchBtn" placeholder="Search"></button>
With this particular form, I intend to incorporate the OpenWeatherMap API in order to retrieve weather data. My current challenge is as follows: I aim to capture user input from the form, which can be achieved by utilizing, for instance:
var searchInput = document.getElementById("searchInput");
By storing the location in this variable, I wish to append it to the link responsible for fetching data from the API, in the JavaScript code.
When a user inputs a location such as New York and clicks Search, the form action should direct them to page2.html
, where the weather data can be displayed.
How can I showcase the weather data on page 2, incorporating the location input from page 1? Despite several attempts, I have not had any success. Below are snippets of the JavaScript code:
let units = 'metric';
let searchMethod = 'q';
let searchButton = document.getElementById("searchBtn");
let searchInput = document.getElementById("searchInput");
if (searchButton) {
searchButton.addEventListener('click', () => {
let searchTerm = searchInput.value;
if (searchTerm)
function searchWeather(searchTerm) {
fetch(`${searchMethod}=${searchTerm}&APPID=${appId}&units=${units}`).then(result => {
return result.json();
}).then(result => {
function init(resultFromServer){
let weatherDescriptionHeader = document.getElementById('weatherDescriptionHeader');
let temperatureElement = document.getElementById('temperature');
let humidityElement = document.getElementById('humidity');
let windSpeedElement = document.getElementById('windSpeed');
let cityHeader = document.getElementById('cityHeader');
let weatherIcon = document.getElementById('documentIconImg');
weatherIcon.src = '' +[0].icon + '.png';
let resultDescription =[0].description;
weatherDescriptionHeader.innerText = resultDescription.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + resultDescription.slice(1);
temperatureElement.innerHTML = Math.floor(resultFromServer.main.temp) + '°' + " C";
windSpeedElement.innerHTML = 'Winds at ' + Math.floor(resultFromServer.wind.speed) + ' mph';
cityHeader.innerHTML =;
humidityElement.innerHTML = 'Humidity levels at ' + resultFromServer.main.humidity + '%';
The above JavaScript code is intended to fetch weather data. Subsequently, on page 2, the HTML structure is as follows:
<div id = "weatherContainer">
<div id = "weatherDescription">
<h1 id = "cityHeader"></h1>
<div id= "weatherMain">
<div id = "temperature"></div>
<div id = "weatherDescriptionHeader"></div>
<div><img id = "documentIconImg"></div>
<div id = "windSpeed" class = "bottom-details"></div>
<div id = "humidity" class = "bottom-details">></div>
I anticipated having the weather data displayed on page 2 within these div elements. Any advice or guidance on how to achieve this would be greatly appreciated. Thank you!