Firing a jQuery event at precise mouse coordinates

I am facing a unique challenge with my website design - I have implemented a semi-transparent header and footer, and now I need to capture click and hover events in order to trigger the same event on a different DOM element at the exact mouse location.

While I have managed to successfully retrieve the mouse coordinates using the code snippet below, attempting to trigger the same event with $("#container").trigger(e); has not yielded the desired result.

        $("#header, #footer").click(function(e){
          //only intercept click if it did not fall on an a tag
            $("#container").trigger(e); //does not work
            alert(e.pageX +', '+ e.pageY); //works
            return false;

Answer №1

After spending a significant amount of time researching the jQuery documentation, I was able to develop a solution that successfully works. Shout out to @Gaby and @brad for their valuable input!

//monitor clicks and mouse movements in the header/footer
//and pass events through to the content div as needed
$("#header, #footer").bind("click mousemove", function(e){  
    //only intercept event if it didn't occur on an "a" tag 
    //within the header/footer
        return false;

$("#container").bind("click mousemove", function(e){  
    //retrieve the coordinates of all "a" descendants within #container  
        var pos = $(this).offset();  
        var height = $(this).height();
        var width = $(this).width();
        if((e.pageX >= pos.left && e.pageX <= (pos.left + width))
           && (e.pageY >= && e.pageY <= ( + height))){
            //trigger hover effect if event is mousemove
            if(e.type == "mousemove"){
                $(this).css("text-decoration", "underline");
            } else {
                window.location = $(this).attr("href");
    //prevent event propagation
    return false;

Answer №2

According to the documentation for trigger, it requires a string as the parameter. However, you seem to be passing it the actual event object, like this:


This should work if you have already bound an event to #container, like so:

$("#container").bind('click', function(e){ //do something });

Meaning, you've already connected the click event to the #container element.

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