Firefox only loads images and jquery after a refresh of the page

Upon initially accessing my site after clearing the cache (a jsp page from a spring app), I noticed that the images and styles were not being applied. However, upon refreshing the page (ctrl-r), everything loaded perfectly.

In Firefox's console output, I received a 404 Not Found error for the images and non-cdn JavaScript files:

HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found

The missing resources are all the JavaScript, CSS, and images hosted on my server - although the jQuery downloads are functioning correctly.

I consistently encounter this issue when using Firefox: clear the cache, visit the site, it fails to load properly, then reload and it works flawlessly. This behavior does not occur in Chrome and Internet Explorer, as they seem to be functioning correctly.

To further explain, the problem lies in loading JavaScript and images stored on my server. Despite having correct references, they fail to load initially. However, on refresh, everything loads without any issues - indicating that the relevant JPEGs and JS files have been cached locally.

Answer №1

Perhaps this information could be beneficial to someone.

We encountered a similar issue: Following a major overhaul of our website, we observed that in Firefox and IE, the CSS styles did not apply upon initial page load. Despite no errors being reported and Firebug indicating that the styles were downloaded, they simply were not rendering properly until a manual refresh was performed.

The Fix: Despite the extensive changes made during the redesign, we maintained consistent file structuring and naming conventions out of habit. This led to the browser mistakenly using the cached copy of the old CSS on first load instead of the updated version with the same name and directory structure. A simple refresh forced the browser to utilize the latest stylesheet.

The Outcome: Renaming the new CSS styles resolved the issue entirely. It became evident that returning visitors may have been experiencing the same problem, as many users do not think to refresh when encountering display issues on a site, potentially leading them to abandon the page.

Answer №2

The reason behind this issue could be attributed to the more lenient code interpretation by Internet Explorer compared to Firefox. Double-check for any missing semi-colons and ensure proper spacing in your code. Additionally, verify if your images are utilizing self-closing brackets ( />).

Answer №3

To prevent the browser from caching JavaScript and CSS files, consider incorporating versioning into your JSP code. Here's an example:

<script type="text/javascript" src="myjs.js?version=20110628a"></script>

This method should help eliminate caching issues.

Answer №4

Ensure to include type="text/javascript" within your script tags as well.

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