Finding strikeout text within <s> or <del> tags can be identified by closely examining the HTML codes

The issue arises with the text that reads as follows:

316.6.1 Structures. Structures shall not be constructed

This is represented in HTML as:

        <span style='font-size:10.0pt'>316.6.1 Structures</span>
    <span style='font-size:10.0pt'>. Structures shall not be
        <span style='letter-spacing:.75pt'> </span>

However, there seems to be an issue with the text-decoration property not displaying the line-through value correctly:

span_array = document.getElementsByTagName('span'));
> HTMLCollection(74812)

> "316.6.1 Structures"
window.getComputedStyle(span_array[10648], null).getPropertyValue("text-decoration");
> "none solid rgb(0, 0, 0)"

> ". Structures shall not be constructed"
window.getComputedStyle(span_array[10649], null).getPropertyValue("text-decoration");
> "none solid rgb(0, 0, 0)"

I would anticipate a result such as: line-through solid rgb(0, 0, 0). In essence, my goal is to find a way to flag the strikeout text mentioned above. For your information, I should be able to execute the script using Google Chrome Driver/Selenium.

Answer №1

By utilizing this feature, you are able to retrieve a comprehensive list of styles associated with an element and its predecessors. Alternatively, you can verify if a specific style has been applied:

function obtainStyles(element, style = null, value = null, styleArray = [])
    if (element)
      const computedStyles = window.getComputedStyle(element);
      if (value !== null && style !== null && computedStyles[style] == value)
        return true;

      styleArray[styleArray.length] = style ? computedStyles[style] : computedStyles;
      return obtainStyles(element.parentNode, style, value, styleArray);
  return value === null ? styleArray : false;

// Returns true/false if the "textDecorationLine" property is set to "line-through" for this element or any of its ancestors
console.log( obtainStyles(document.querySelector("span"), "textDecorationLine", "line-through") ); 

// Retrieves an array of textDecorationLine values for the specified element and its lineage
console.log( obtainStyles(document.querySelector("span"), "textDecorationLine") );

// Obtains a list of all styles pertaining to the specified element and its ancestry
console.log( obtainStyles(document.querySelector("span")) );
        <span style='font-size:10.0pt'>316.6.1 Structures</span>
    <span style='font-size:10.0pt'>. Structures shall not be
        <span style='letter-spacing:.75pt'> </span>

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