Fade in images using jQuery

I am having issues with fading in and out images using jQuery, it doesn't seem to be working as expected. I think there might be something crucial that I am missing.

Take a look at the script below:

var count = 1;
setInterval(function() {           
    count = (jQuery(".slideshow :nth-child("+count+")").fadeOut().next().length == 0) ? 1 : count+1;
    //alert (count);
    jQuery(".slideshow :nth-child("+count+")").fadeIn();
}, 2000);

Below is the HTML snippet for reference:

<div class="slideshow">
    <div class="hover">
        <a href="#">
            <img src="#" />
            <div class="mainportfo_title">title</div>
    <div class="hover">
        <a href="#">
            <img src="#" />
            <div class="mainportfo_title">title</div>

Answer №1

If you're looking to enhance the functionality of this code snippet, consider utilizing JQuery get(). Take a look at the code provided below and see how you can make improvements:

var i = 0;

setInterval(function() {
    var target = $("img").get(i);
    var next = $("img").get(++i);
    $(target).fadeIn( "slow", function() {
        $(target).fadeOut( "slow", function() {
    if(i >= $("img").size()) {
        i = 0;
}, 3000);

Answer №2

Would you like to try this out?: Click here for the jsfiddle demo

let counter = 1;
setInterval(function() {
    counter = (jQuery(".slideshow:nth-child("+counter+")").fadeOut().next().length == 0) ? 1 : counter + 1;
}, 2000);

Answer №3

In order to ensure correct selection, it is important to specify your .hover elements when using the .nth-child selector.

let count = 1;
setInterval(function () {
    count = ($(".slideshow .hover:nth-child(" + count + ")").fadeOut().next().length == 0) ? 1 : count + 1;
    $(".slideshow .hover:nth-child(" + count + ")").fadeIn();
}, 2000);

Check out the fiddle here!

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