Exploring the world of sass with compound mathematical statements

There's a slight issue that I'd like to circumvent.

$var: 30px;

font: 25px/25px font,font,font;                   //Works
font: ($var - 5)/($var - 5) font, font, font;     //Works not
font: ($var - 5px)/($var - 5px) font, font, font; //Works not

margin: 0 0 20px 0;                               //Works
margin: 0 0 ($var - 10) 0;                        //Works not
margin: 0 0 ($var - 10px) 0;                      //Works not

Essentially, I'm dealing with a value in a variable being subtracted multiple times. The issue seems to arise from trying to divide both numbers using the slash.

I could handle it like this:

margin-top: 0;
margin-right: 0;
margin-bottom: ($var - 10px);
margin-left: 0;

However, this solution appears somewhat messy.

Answer №1

I have successfully tested this code snippet on Sassmeister using SASS version 3.2.19

div {
  font: ($var - 5)#{"/"}($var - 5) font1, font2;     
  margin: 0 0 ($var - 10) 0; 

The result of running the code is as follows

div {
  font: 25px/25px  font1, font2;
  margin: 0 0 20px 0;

To prevent any potential issues with the font property, I made sure to escape the / symbol in the code so that it wouldn't be mistaken for a division operation by SASS

Answer №2

Just moments after sharing this, my coworker stumbled upon the solution:

#{$var - 5}/#{$var - 5}

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