"Exploring the screen size options in Chrome version 38 using the

After the recent update, Chrome has introduced several new features for web developers. However, I've noticed that when you drag the screen with the developer tools open, it used to display the exact screen width size in the top right corner. Now, it only shows measurements with ruler marks making it difficult to determine the exact pixel size. Is there a way to revert back to the old feature displaying the precise pixel number of the screen width?

I tried searching on Google but couldn't find much information on this issue. Any assistance would be greatly appreciated as it is crucial for writing accurate media queries. Thank you for reading!

Answer №1

My recommendation is to try using this screen ruler tool. It has been incredibly useful for me in accurately measuring the size of various objects onscreen.

Answer №2

For additional extensions in Chrome, you have a couple of options. You can visit the Chrome Web Store at 'https://chrome.google.com/webstore/category/extensions?hl=en-US' or navigate to "customized and controller->settings->extensions->Get more extensions" within the browser and search for any extension you desire. Thanks! :)

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