"Exploring the Issue of Undefined Materialize CSS Text Area When Used as an Object

There is a sidebar within a Google Sheet that runs an HTML file calling Materialize CSS. The sidebar contains three text inputs that work fine, but there is one text area that keeps failing. I am wondering if anyone has any thoughts on this issue. Here is the code for the text area:

<div class="row"><div class="input-field col s12"><textarea id="textarea1" 
class="materialize-textarea"></textarea><label for="textarea1">Further Details</label> 

When the submit button on the sidebar is clicked, the following code is executed:

 <input type="button" style="height:40px; width:100px; font-weight:bold;" 
 value="Send" onclick="google.script.run.sendEmail(this.parentNode);"/></form>'

For all three text inputs, the data is transferred to a function which utilizes it to send an email. However, the text area output appears as:

 Further Details:


The body of the email is generated using the following code (Condensed version):

var body = obj.textinput1+obj.textinput2+obj.textinput3+obj.textarea1

I have also included Materialize's JS:

$('#textarea1').val('New Text');

Thank you.

Answer №1

textarea's name attribute is left unset. Although the id is not transmitted, each name attribute acts as a key:

When you invoke a server function with a form element as an argument, the form transforms into a unified object where field names become keys and field values represent the corresponding values

<div class="row">
    <div class="input-field col s12">
        <!-- Defining the name for #textarea1 -->
        <textarea id="textarea1" name="textarea1" class="materialize-textarea">
        <label for="textarea1">
            Additional Information

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