Exploring the dynamic world of Angular2 animations paired with the

In my layout, I have a row with three columns and two buttons to toggle the visibility of the side panels:

 col-md-3      col-md-7      col-md-2
|         |                  |     |
|   left  |   middle panel   |     | <= right panel
|  panel  |                  |     |
|         |                  |     |
|         |                  |     |
<<<                              >>>

When the left button is clicked, I want the middle panel to expand to fill the available space on the left:

            col-md-10       col-md-2
|                            |     |
|      middle panel          |     | <= right panel
|                            |     |
|                            |     |
|                            |     |
<<<                              >>>

The same behavior should occur when clicking the right button. If both buttons are clicked, the middle panel should expand to take up all available space.

I have achieved the desired effect by toggling classes on the div elements (e.g., changing from col-md-7 to col-md-12), but now I want to add animations for a smoother transition. I came across a solution using JQuery in this Stack Overflow thread: Animate bootstrap columns. However, I would prefer to avoid using JQuery and wonder if Angular2 animations could provide a solution instead.

Answer №1

To achieve the desired effect, you can utilize a combination of CSS styles and conditional rendering with *ngIf / [ngClass] on different panels:


.center-box {
    -webkit-transition: all 1s ease;
    -moz-transition: all 1s ease;
    -o-transition: all 1s ease;
    -ms-transition: all 1s ease;
    transition: all 1s ease;


<div class="left-box col-md-3" *ngIf="(centerVisible == false)"></div>

<div class="center-box" [ngClass]="{ 'col-md-7' : (! centerVisible), 'col-md-10' : (centerVisible) }"></div>

<div class="right-box col-md-2"></div>

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