Exploring the Benefits of 'new Date()' Function and Adding Leading Zeros to Numbers Less than 10 in a Digital Clock Implemented in JavaScript

As I continue on my journey of learning JavaScript, I challenge myself by building small projects.

Today, I managed to create a digital clock, with a little help from a tutorial.

There are two specific things that I am struggling to grasp, which were not explained in the tutorial. In case anyone is interested, you can find the tutorial here.

Here's the JavaScript code:

setInterval(function() {
  let hours = document.querySelector('.hours');
  let minutes = document.querySelector('.minutes');
  let seconds = document.querySelector('.seconds');

  let h = new Date().getHours();
  let m = new Date().getMinutes();
  let s = new Date().getSeconds();

  hours.innerHTML = h < 10 ? '0' + h : h;
  minutes.innerHTML = m < 10 ? '0' + m : m;
  seconds.innerHTML = s < 10 ? '0' + s : s;

}, 1000);

Issue #1:

I'm unsure about the usage of new Date(). As a beginner exploring objects, I attempted using just getHours(), but it didn't yield the expected result. What am I missing?

Issue #2:

Following the tutorial, if the time was below 10 for hours, minutes, or seconds, they appeared as single digits instead of padded with a zero. I tried implementing some logic like this:

if(m < 10) {
    '0' + s

Additionally, I experimented with:

if(m < 10) {
    s = '0' + s;
    return s;

However, my attempts were unsuccessful. After reading through the comments, I found a shorthand solution to prepend zeros when necessary, but I am confused about the syntax used, particularly the inclusion of :h, :m, and :s at the end of each statement.

Here's the snippet:

setInterval(function() {
  let hours = document.querySelector('.hours');
  let minutes = document.querySelector('.minutes');
  let seconds = document.querySelector('.seconds');

  let h = new Date().getHours();
  let m = new Date().getMinutes();
  let s = new Date().getSeconds();

  hours.innerHTML = h < 10 ? '0' + h : h;
  minutes.innerHTML = m < 10 ? '0' + m : m;
  seconds.innerHTML = s < 10 ? '0' + s : s;

}, 1000);
* {
  margin: 0;
  padding: 0;
  box-sizing: border-box;

body {
  background: black;

.container {
  width: 90vw;
  margin: auto;
  border: 1px solid rgb(50,50,50);
  margin-top: 50vh;
  transform: translateY(-50%);
  display: flex;
  justify-content: space-around;
  padding: .5em;
  font-size: 3em;
  font-family: verdana;
  background: rgb(170,190,170);
  box-shadow: 0 0 10px black inset;
  box-reflect: below 0 linear-gradient(transparent, white);
  -webkit-box-reflect: below 0 linear-gradient(transparent, rgba(255,255,255,.5));
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
  <meta charset="UTF-8>
  <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0>
  <link rel="stylesheet" href="style.css>
  <title>Digital Clock>
  <div class="container>
    <div class="hours></div>
    <div class="minutes></div>
    <div class="seconds></div>

  <script src="main.js></script>

Answer №1

Your result includes a conditional (ternary) operator ?: which comprises of three components:

condition ? valueTrue : valueFalse
  • The condition is an expression that can be either truthy, such as true, any non-empty string, any number other than 0 or NaN, objects, functions, or falsy values like undefined, null, '', or zero.

  • valueTrue represents the expression returned when the condition is truthy.

  • valueFalse indicates the expression returned when the condition is falsy.

While this inline condition may seem convenient, it is not recommended to use if the return value is irrelevant.

To achieve a more concise approach, consider converting the value to a string and padding it with zeros at the beginning. For repetitive usage, implement a function for this purpose.

If you need to obtain a Date instance, fetch it once and utilize it to retrieve all time components.

function padZero(value) {
    return value.toString().padStart(2, '0');

setInterval(function() {
    let hours = document.querySelector('.hours'),
        minutes = document.querySelector('.minutes'),
        seconds = document.querySelector('.seconds'),
        today = new Date();

    hours.innerHTML = padZero(today.getHours());
    minutes.innerHTML = padZero(today.getMinutes());
    seconds.innerHTML = padZero(today.getSeconds());
}, 200);
<span class="hours"></span>:<span class="minutes"></span>:<span class="seconds"></span>

Answer №2

Small point number 1:

  • What is the reason for using new Date()? The date object must be created in order to obtain the current date and time. The function ( getHours() ) will then extract the hours from this newly created date.

Small point number 2:

  • Why are there :h, :m, :s at the end of each statement? This serves as the format for how this shorthand notation is structured.

Explanation: link

For instance, h<10?'0'+h:h indicates that if h < 10, the innerHTML should be set to '0' + h. If h is greater than or equal to 10, then innerHTML should be h.

if(m < 10) {
 s= '0' + s
 return s

This error occurred due to the condition used in the if statement. The variable being checked is 'm', which contrasts with what was explained in the tutorial where it should have been 's' in this scenario.

I hope this provides further clarification :)

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