Exploring the benefits of incorporating the vendor folder in website development

I'm embarking on the journey of creating a website from scratch with python, django, and bootstrap. I've noticed that it's common practice to store js, css, img, and fonts in a folder named vendor, like this:


Why do developers use this folder structure instead of something like this:


In the first example, when using the vendor folder setup, I would have to download bootstrap, unzip the downloaded files, and then place them into the respective js and css directories within the vendor folder. With the second example, I could simply download bootstrap and move the entire extracted folder directly into /static without any additional steps.

Answer №1

This clearly identifies the third-party libraries that are not meant to be directly modified.

Answer №2

In the world of coding, the vendor folder serves as a designated space for storing third-party resources like icons, images, and codes. This practice, while not necessarily a hard and fast rule, is widely preferred within the coding community for the purpose of maintaining a well-organized directory structure.

On the other hand, the lib (library) folder is where you or the site/application author would typically store original code. In a hypothetical scenario where I download and use such a site/application, I can easily create separate folders for different data types (

src/images for images, style/css for css, script/js for js, etc
) and transfer necessary assets from the lib folder to these new directories without altering the third-party code. This approach simplifies the process of reverting back to previous versions in case any changes result in errors or other issues.

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