Exploring the anatomy of the img src tag

Using jQuery, I have successfully implemented code to display an image when clicked by storing the image source into a variable like this:

var imgSrc = $(event.target).attr('src');

I then use this variable to add the image to a div and show it on the webpage:

var newImg = '<div class="gallery"><img src="'+imgSrc+'"></div>';

Now, my goal is to modify the image source slightly by appending "Big" to the file name in order to display a larger version of the same image. For example, changing image.png to imageBig.png. Is there a way to achieve this using jQuery?

Answer №1

Here is an example of how you can achieve this:

const source = $(target).attr('src');
let newSource = source.split(".")[0] + "Big." + source.split(".")[1];

Answer №2

My preferred method would be to utilize the .replace() function instead of .split() in this scenario:

const srcElement = $(event.target).attr('src').replace( '.png', 'Big.png' );

Another recommendation I have is to avoid unnecessary words like the in variable names. For instance, opt for src over theSrc and img over theImg. The term the adds no value or clarity, only cluttering the name unnecessarily.

Answer №3

Of course:

$("img").attr("src", "imageLarge.png");

You can refer to the jQuery documentation here: http://api.jquery.com/attr/#attr3 for more information on using different variations of attr.

If you want to make it dynamic, you can check out @tymeJV's suggestion in their post, which should work as long as there is only one period in the file name.

Answer №4

Although it can't be done with jQuery, you have the option to achieve this using pure Javascript:

let urlParts = imageUrl.split('.');
let newUrl = urlParts[0]+'Large.'+urlParts[1];

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