Exploring New Heights: Angular 7 - Elevating Sidebar and Element Z-Index

I am currently facing an issue in my Angular 7 web app where I need to adjust the z-index of the sidebar. The ng-sidebar plugin sets the default z-index to 9999999, but I am using jqwidget dropdown boxes within the sidebar which have a default z-index of 2000. This results in the values of the dropdown boxes being hidden behind the sidebar when clicked.

Despite researching on various platforms such as SO and forums, and utilizing tools like Inspect Element, I have been unsuccessful in overriding the z-index of either the sidebar or the dropdown box element to ensure proper visibility. How can I resolve this issue effectively?

Answer №1

To customize the styling of your component, make changes in the CSS file specifically for that component.

.ng-sidebar {
     z-index: 10;

If you're still encountering issues, try enhancing the specificity of your selector.

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