Exploring Hover Effects in Reactjs and Material UI

I've been working with reactjs and material ui, but I'm having trouble changing the background color of selected items in various components, like in the SelectField.

   floatingLabelText="Choose a sport"
   menuItemStyle={{color:'black', borderBottom:'1px solid white'}}
   listStyle={{backgroundColor:'rgb(0, 188, 212)'}}

I'm not sure how to implement hover functionality or adjust the selected item's color. Has anyone encountered this issue before?

Thanks for any insights!

Answer №1

Material-UI utilizes JSS for processing styles. For more information on this, refer to Material-UI's documentation.

CSS selectors are specified as an additional property, allowing you to easily incorporate &:hover

button: {
  fontSize: 12,
  '&:hover': {
    background: 'blue'

Answer №2

If you're looking to add a hover effect to your component, you can achieve it using CSS styles:

              .menuItem:hover {
                background-color: red !important;

              .menuItem {
                background-color: transparent !important;
            floatingLabelText="Choose a sport"
            menuStyle={{ color: 'red' }}
            menuItemStyle={{ color: 'black', borderBottom: '1px solid white' }}
            listStyle={{ backgroundColor: 'rgb(0, 188, 212)' }}
            labelStyle={{ color: 'black' }} >
            <MenuItem className="menuItem" value={1} primaryText="Never" />
            <MenuItem className="menuItem" value={2} primaryText="Every Night" />
            <MenuItem className="menuItem" value={3} primaryText="Weeknights" />
            <MenuItem className="menuItem" value={4} primaryText="Weekends" />
            <MenuItem className="menuItem" value={5} primaryText="Weekly" />


Answer №3

One way to customize the style of a menu item is by using the selectedMenuItemStyle property.

  floatingLabelText="Choose a category"
  menuItemStyle={{color:'green', borderBottom:'1px solid black'}}
  listStyle={{backgroundColor:'rgb(255, 152, 0)'}}


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