Exploring Django's view field for efficient data rendering

Is it possible to display multiple views for a single page/template?

For instance, imagine a website where users can submit movie reviews and read others' reviews as well. Now, I need to add an edit button to the review pages but only want the button to be visible when the user is viewing their own article. Can you recommend how to achieve this? So far, my idea is to create two separate views - one for viewing the reviews and another for editing them, then combine them into a single template.

Answer №1

If I understand your questions correctly, you can definitely do that.

To ensure that only the logged-in user is the owner of the post, you need to include a condition in your template like this:

{% if request.user.profile == article.owner %}
          <a href="{% url 'edit-article' %}">Edit Article</a>
{% endif %}

If you want to have multiple views in one template, you can use a <a> tag with different href links to call other views and render them on the current page. Like this:

<ul class="nav nav-pills nav-justified">
    <li class="nav-item">
    <a class="nav-link" href="{% url 'edit' %}">Edit</a>
      <li class="nav-item">
        <a class="nav-link" href="{% url 'my_article' %}">My Post</a>

Lastly, make sure to implement proper access control measures in your Django view (for example, the view mapped to the 'edit' URL) by checking that only the article.owner can edit the post using the request.user. This will prevent unauthorized users from editing the post even if they cannot see the edit button.

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