Explore a unique navigation bar using CSS hover effects

I am trying to create a navigation bar that displays a big block when hovered over, but unfortunately, it's not working as expected.

Below is the HTML code I have written:

<div id="outerContainer">
    <div id="header">
        <a id="logo" href="#"><img src="#"></a>
        <div id="nav">
            <div class="selectors"><a href="#">aaa</a></div>
            <div class="selectors"><a href="#">bbb</a></div>
            <div class="selectors"><a href="#">ccc</a></div>
            <div class="selectors"><a href="#">ddd</a></div>

    <div id="innerContainer">
        <div class="navHidden"></div>
        <div class="navHidden"></div>
        <div class="navHidden"></div>
        <div class="navHidden"></div>

        <div id="content"></div>

Here is the CSS code I have used:





The desired layout of the website should look like this:

|.selectors |.selectors | .selectors | .selectors |

| navHidden .....(only shown when hover)......|

Due to assignment restrictions, I am only allowed to use HTML and CSS for this project.

Thank you.

Answer №1

The code has been modified to achieve the desired layout, but it is still not perfect as some excess rules were not removed. It is recommended to do some further adjustments and cleaning up on your own.


<div id="header">
        <a id="logo" href="#"><img src="#"></a>
        <div id="nav">
            <div class="selectors">
                <a href="#">aaa</a>
                <div class="navHidden">Lorem ipsum text</div>
            <div class="selectors">
                <a href="#">bbb</a>
                <div class="navHidden">Lorem ipsum text</div>
            <div class="selectors">
                <a href="#">ccc</a>
                <div class="navHidden">Lorem ipsum text</div>
            <div class="selectors">
                <a href="#">ddd</a>
                <div class="navHidden">Lorem ipsum text</div>





    top: 100%;
    left: 0;
.selectors:hover .navHidden {display: block;}

Answer №2

Here's a suggestion for creating your navigation menu.

  ul, li {list-style: none; padding: 0; margin: 0; float: left;}
  li a{display: block; width: 100px; height: 40px;}
  li a:hover{display: block; width: 100px; height: 40px; background: red;}
  li ul {display: none;}
  li:hover ul {display: block;}
   <ul id="nav">
       <li class="selectors"><a href="#">aaa</a></li>
       <li class="selectors"><a href="#">bbbb</a>
            <ul id="innerContainer">
                <li class="navHidden">222</li>

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