Exploration of features through leaflet interaction

Attempting to plot bus routes on a map using leaflet with geojson for coordinates. Facing issues with making the bus line bold when clicked, and reverting the style of previously clicked features back to default.

Current Progress

function $onEachFeature(feature, layer) {
    click: function(e) {
        //highlight the clicked feature
        var $layer = e.target;

        var highlightStyle = {
            opacity: 1,
            weight: 5


//leaflet map tile code would be here

//adding features with $oneachfeature function
var busFeature = L.geoJson(busRoutes, {
     style: defaultBusRouteColor,
     onEachFeature : $onEachFeature


The current implementation successfully changes the style of the clicked feature to highlightStyle. However, the issue is that this style persists even after clicking another feature. How can I remove the previously clicked feature's style so only one remains highlighted at a time?

Attempts so far include using jQuery's addClass/removeClass, layer.resetStyle() with leaflet, among others. Keep in mind, this needs to work smoothly on mobile devices as well; the desktop version already has a hover-based feature highlighting without any problems.

function $oneachfeature(feature, layer){
      mouseover: function (e){makes feature bold}
      mouseout: function (e){makes feature normal again}

Any suggestions?

Answer №1

Make sure to keep a reference to the highlighted layer so you can easily reset its style later on:

// Create a variable to store the selected layer
var selected;

// Create a new GeoJSON layer
new L.GeoJSON(collection, {
  // Define the default style
  'style': function () {
    return {
      'color': 'yellow',
}).on('click', function (e) {
  // Check if there is already a selected layer
  if (selected) {
    // Reset the selected layer's style to default
  // Set the newly selected layer
  selected = e.layer;
  // Bring the selected layer to the front
  // Style the selected layer
    'color': 'red'

Answer №2

If you're looking for a simpler solution, consider using the resetStyle() method to reset the layer's style before applying a new one to the feature. You can achieve this by adding just one line of code to your existing function:

function $onEachFeature(feature, layer) {
    click: function(e) {
        //retrieve the clicked feature
        var $layer = e.target;

        var highlightStyle = {
            opacity: 1,
            weight: 5

Answer №3

Clearing Previous Highlight Before Adding a New One:

To remove the existing geoJSON selection set by .addTo(), you can use the .removeLayer() method.

map = myMap.Map
geoJson = myMap.geoJSON();

handleClick() {
    const newHighlight = {
      'color': '#FF8407',
      'fillColor': '#B522E2',
      'fillOpacity': 0.5


    this.geoJson = myMap.geoJSON( NewFeature, {
       style: newHighlight

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