Experiencing issue with React TS when creating a Progress Bar; despite declaring types in the interface, an error is being thrown indicating implicit type 'any'

Attempting to replicate the design and functionality of this Codepen using React Typescript has been a challenge. I made adjustments like changing class to className and transferring the CSS styles to my App.css file. Even after defining types in my interface and passing them to my function, I continue to encounter errors indicating that certain variables such as previousTimestamp are implicitly assigned the type 'any' where the type cannot be determined.

Why is it still considering these variables as having any type when I clearly specified them as numbers in my interface?


[Updated React TypeScript code will go here]


[Updated CSS styles for the application will go here]

Answer №1

Make sure to define types for both your props and local variables.

export interface Props{
  previousTimestamp: number;

function App(props: Props) {
    props.previousTimestamp // this is typed (number)
    let previousTimestamp; // not this

Remember, when declaring local variables, specify their types during declaration.

let previousTimestamp: number;


To troubleshoot any typing issues, hover over your variable to see what TypeScript infers the type to be. If you hover over previousTimestamp anywhere, it may show as any.

If you're using VSCode, consider enabling inlays hints which provide typing information directly in your editor. While this feature can sometimes be overwhelming, it can also give you valuable insights into TS's type inference.

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