Experiencing difficulties connecting with aspx while using Ext JS 4.2

Currently, I am facing an issue with making a call to an ASPX URL as the return keeps coming back as a failure.

I have successfully used this URL in previous programming projects, but this is my first time utilizing it with Ext JS. Despite researching different examples online, none have resolved my problem. Below is my JavaScript file, and any assistance in achieving a successful return on my button click would be greatly appreciated.

Although Fiddler confirms that the URL is being called and the returned JSON is {success: true}, my `Debugger.Launch()` statement is not triggered, and the "Success" alert is not displayed.

Therefore, my C# code is not being accessed from the JavaScript call, even though Fiddler indicates that the call is made to http://localhost/login/login.aspx.


// More JavaScript code here...

ASPX File:

// C# code for login.aspx file...

Answer №1

Great job on your code! I tested it out on this testing platform, and with a simple URL change, everything worked smoothly. The request was sent and the response was received as expected.

url: '/echo/json/',
params: {json: Ext.encode({success: true}), delay: .5},

It seems like there might be an issue with either your URL configuration or your server setup. Have you double-checked that you are accessing the page using https://localhost/... instead of just http://localhost/...?

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