Experiencing an unexpected issue with Firefox? Seeing unexplained strokes on an image that are not present on other browsers

Currently, I am working on customizing a file input to display its content using a preview <img> tag.

<div id="image_preview">
    <input> ..... 
    <img id="preview" src="" class="img-fluid" alt="">

While it displays correctly on Chrome, I encountered an issue on Firefox where a black stroke appears on every side of the square. I tried adjusting the CSS properties such as "border: none;" and setting a transparent background but they did not fix the problem. Any suggestions or hints?

Thank you for any assistance provided :)

https://i.sstatic.net/jslLr.png https://i.sstatic.net/VJp5J.png

Answer №1

Issue resolved! I discovered that Firefox is only adding these lines on a blank img src. By including a blank image base64 string, the problem has been fixed.

Many thanks for your assistance!

In case it is needed:


Answer №2

When using Firefox, you may notice a dotted line appearing which can be quite distracting. However, fear not as a helpful user on Stack Overflow provided the perfect solution:

How to remove Firefox's dotted outline on BUTTONS as well as links?

To eliminate this issue, simply include the following code in your CSS file: ::-moz-focus-inner

.img-fluid::-moz-focus-inner {
    border: 0;

This should effectively resolve any concerns regarding the dotted line problem. Happy browsing!

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