Experience the innovative feature of React Splide Carousel where a peek of the next image is shown until you reach

My current challenge arises when I reach the last slide in the slider. I am trying to prevent it from looping and instead stop with no extra space or any other images peeking out.

To address this, I have utilized the padding: '5%' option, which mostly works well. However, on the final slide, there is still some additional padding causing a white space.

I attempted to remove the padding once the last slide is reached, but this adjustment ends up making all the images slightly larger and leads to layout shifts.

Another approach I tried was setting perPage: 5.25, but this resulted in strange behavior when navigating between slides.

If anyone has suggestions or ideas to fix this issue, I would greatly appreciate it.

Below is the code snippet I am currently working with:

        type: 'slide',
        perPage: 5,
        pagination: false,
        perMove: 2,
        wheel: true,
        padding: {right: '5%'},
        <div className="splide__arrows">
          <button className="splide__arrow splide__arrow--prev">
            <IconChevron direction="right" />
          <button className="splide__arrow splide__arrow--next">
            <IconChevron direction="right" />
          {slides.map((slide) => {
            return (
              <SplideSlide key={slide.id}>
               <Image />

Answer №1

I managed to achieve my desired outcome by referencing Splide and utilizing the on method to determine when it reached the end of the slider.

const slideRef = useRef(null)

  const [padding, setPadding] = useState({right: '5%', left: '0'})

  useEffect(() => {
    slideRef?.current?.splide?.on('moved', () => {
      const currentIndex = slideRef?.current?.splide.index
      const slideLength = slideRef?.current?.splide.length

      if (slideLength - currentIndex === 5) {
        setPadding({right: '0', left: '5%'})
      } else if (currentIndex === 0) {
        setPadding({right: '5%', left: '0'})

The number I'm displaying per page is 5.

I also included a class in the Splide Track to improve the transitions when adding or removing padding, creating a smooth bouncing effect.

<SplideTrack className= 'splide-track-padding' /> 

.splide-track-padding {
  transition: padding-left .3s ease-in-out, padding-right .3s ease-in-out;

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