Expanding the reach of the navigation bar

Hello Everyone,

Is there a way to stretch my navigation bar so that the links are evenly spaced out across the browser window instead of being clustered together? I want it to be responsive rather than fixed in size.

This is my HTML code:

<div class="navbar-wrapper">
           <img src="./images/R_medum.jpg" class="nav-image" alt="" />
                <div class="navbar-links">
                        <li><a href="#" title="There is no place like it"></a></li>
                        <li><a href="https://google.com">About</a></li>
                        <li><a href="#">Projects</a></li>
                        <li><a href="#"> YouTube </a></li>

Here is my CSS code:

.navbar-wrapper {
  display: inline;
  float: left;

.navbar-wrapper img {
  float: left;

#navbar {
   margin: 0; 
   padding: .3em 0 .3em 0; 
   display: inline;
   float: left;

 .navbar-links ul {
   list-style: none; 
   margin: 50px; 
   padding: 0; 
   display: table;
   float: left;
   text-align: justify;
   width: calc(10% -115px);

 .navbar-links li { 
   vertical-align: center; 
   padding: 0; 
   display: table-cell; 
   text-align: center;
   float: left;
   white-space: nowrap;
   width: calc(calc(100 - 115px) / 4);

.navbar-links ul a { 
   margin: 0; 
   padding: .3em .4em .3em .4em; 
   text-decoration: none; 
   font-weight: bold; 
   font-size: 1.5em; 
   background-color: black; 
   color: orange;

.navbar-links ul a:visited { 
   margin: 0; 
   padding: .3em .4em .3em .4em; 
   text-decoration: none; 
   font-weight: bold;
   font-style: italic; 
   font-size: 1.5em; 
   color: green; 

.navbar-links ul a:active { 
   margin: 0; 
   padding: .3em .4em .3em .4em; 
   text-decoration: none; 
   font-weight: bold; 
   font-size: medium; 
   color: white; 

.navbar-links ul a:hover { 
   margin: 0; 
   padding: .3em .4em .3em .4em; 
   text-decoration: none; 
   font-weight: bold; 
   font-size: 1.8em; 
   color: #f6f0cc; 
   background-color: #227755; 

What I have attempted:

I've tried multiple methods but haven't found a solution yet. Adjusting the padding settings helped, but it wasn't consistent across different screen sizes. I also experimented with setting the navbar-links as a table, the ul element as a table-row, and the li elements as table-cells, but this didn't work for me and I'm unsure why.

If you have any suggestions on how I can achieve this layout, please share!


Answer №1

It seems like you were close with the table/table cell approach, just a little off.

My method involves treating the logo and navigation as a table/table-cell, then treating the navigation unordered list as another table/table-cell.

Remember to avoid using floats when working with table/table-cell, as it can make everything ineffective.

To handle the image differently, I enclosed it in a div:

 <div class="navbar-wrapper">
    <div class="nav-image">
        <img src="http://placehold.it/110x117" class="" alt=""/>
         <div class="navbar-links">
             <li><a href="#" title="There is no place like it"></a></li>
             <li><a href="https://google.com">About</a></li>
             <li><a href="#">Projects</a></li>
             <li><a href="#"> YouTube </a></li>


body {
    background-color: black;

.navbar-wrapper {

.navbar-wrapper img {
.nav-image { display:table-cell; }

#navbar {
   margin: 0; 
   padding: .3em 0 .3em 0;  

.navbar-links { display:table-cell; vertical-align:middle; }

 .navbar-links ul {
   list-style: none; 
   margin:  0; 
   padding: 0; 
   display: table;
   text-align: justify;
   width: 100%;


 .navbar-links li { 
   padding: 0; 
   display: table-cell; 
   text-align: center;
   white-space: nowrap;


JSFiddle Example

Explore some media queries here:


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